
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rough few weeks

My son has been sick for two weeks now with a bad cold. He's been sick before, but this time is worse. I'm glad we got through a year without any serious illnesses though! It's definitely no picnic with a sick child in your care 24/7 as I've just learned! But otherwise he's doing great. He's learning a new sign every couple of days and starting to imitate the words we say, too. He loves to dance and pull our dogs tail - luckily Lenny lets him do it!

It's March now and that means winter is almost over! I've already started a bit of spring cleaning. I'm trying to get some of it out of the way so when spring is actually here, we can be outside instead! I'm sure C will want to be outside and he'll probably be able to run by then. I'm kind of anxious to start the garden and work on the yard.

What I'm into right now: being environmentally friendly, repurposing objects, decorating (or just fantasizing about decorating...), couponing and saving money. I'm trying to go with a theme for this blog, and I haven't made a definite decision yet, but it will probably be one of those things. Sorry my posts will be a little scattered until then.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to here about C man, hope he gets better soon. I'm also anxious to get some stuff done around the house... still to rainy here to get much done outside though (typical Oregon!). Though I did some "spring cleaning" too this weekend in the garage!
