
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My new blog

Let's try this one more time. I want to get back into blogging...but I guess I shouldn't promise anything yet. I think I just need to figure out a focus, but that might take me a little while. We'll see what I come up with.

Of course there's always my son to write about. He's 13 months now and becoming more interactive every day. He can say a handful of words and he signs about 12 words, maybe more. I love signing with him - it's one of my favorite things to teach him. He is obsessed with cars and trucks - and I swear all I did was let him play with on toy truck. I don't know why, but it's funny to me that he loves vehicles at such an early age! Oh, he loves to dance, this boy has moves!

We go to a mom's group every other week and we are going to Kindermusik class every week. It's been great to get out of the house this winter, but I think I still love lazy days at home. I love being a stay at home mom - it was hard to get used to at first, even being the homebody that I am. But now I have a loose routine and I'm getting more confident with my cooking skills. I love finding ways to save money and I recently started clipping coupons and I do other "crazy" energy saving things, too. Maybe I'll make some posts about those.

Anyway, I don't want to make this too long, so I'll just leave you with this: my favorite blog. It's kind of been my inspiration.